Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Vinokurov is a doping pain in the ass!

When Floyd tested positive, they said this could ruin cycling when that tmobile guy tested positive I was like whatever but now that Old "We have best pottassium" Vino tested positive I think we might have a serious problem on our hands. Cycling looks really bad. T mobile might pull out. Teams can't get sponsors and may fold. No... Wait... This might not be all that bad. The old teams might fold but they are led by guys that are part of the problem to begin with. They all doped and really don't give that much of a shit. Some of the protour teams do care but many don't. Say what you want about disco but Bruyneel wouldn't have signed Basso if he cared about a clean sport more than winning. Rabobank is standing by their punk ass chicken, Rassmussen, even though he should never have been allowed to start. Man is he flying up those climbs and time trialing like a full on ninja. Sounds a little fishy to me. Astana is full on shit. I said that in another post. Why would Kloeden go to a team to ride for someone he reportedly doesn't even like when he could have been on a team that would have given full support to him for the tour. T-mobile was going to test his skinny mountain climbing butt, that's why! This is cleaning up the sport and showing guys they cannot cheat. The teams that aren't on board will need to make room for teams that really want clean sport i.e. Slipstream. So get on with the proverbial high colonic. This sport needs and enema!


Anonymous said...

Cycling has a bunch of "athletes" doped up on steriods, who would have thought. The problem isn't steriods, lance was on them, it's the tests got tougher and they haven't learned to beat them yet. Weres BALCO when you need them.

Anonymous said...

Ride your own race, do the DIYTT and be your own hero. Growth is the goal, when you throw money in there it screws it all up!