Tuesday, November 4, 2008


Barack Obama has just been elected the 44th President of the United States. I can't explain how happy I am.........


Anonymous said...

i cant explain how disappointed I am.

Erik said...

My friend, I understand your disappointment. I have felt that way the last two elections.

Anonymous said...

...and the political pendulum swings...

nerdman said...

thrilled! I predicted this 4 years ago.

Home Skillet said...

change was inevitable - the term was up anyway. another classic example of way over promise and unable to deliver the campaigned values - i think people are expecting and major change and re-vamp overnight - as explained by Obama during the campaign...Politics - a drag...which is why i didnt vote for McCain either...not thrilled with either one. 2 years from now - a chance to rebalance the scales.

Home Skillet said...

in fact...name me a politician that ACTUALLY has the middle class in mind while they work. I would be impressed if the multi-millionares actually have a handle on what we go through as a community - good salesmanship, marketing and media control - gotta love the left - but is it what America needs? sure is what they wanted - again - getting what you ask for may not be the best...i hope I am wrong.

Erik said...

From my perspective the the right has had it's chance. It didn't do anything to address the issues of our day. It sat on it's power and got fat. We have real issues. You can argue about right and left but at the end of the day it truly is what works that should be the direction we move in. This right wing neocon agenda that has run this country makes decisions based purely on ideology. It doesn't look for the best decision. It looks to fit reality around it's alread preconcieved notions. In my work we us something called "evidence based practice" meaning we look at the evidence out there and then proceed. Bush and the extreme right wing aren't interested in what works, only what fits there world view. That, my friend is why the failed.