Thursday, April 19, 2007

Cycling Recap

Ogrady wins Paris Roubaix. Very strong and the first time an aussie has one the Race. It is good to see guys that have always been at the front but just can't seem to win come through and pull it off. Stuart is one of these guys. Alas... Maybe Hincapie will pull it off next year. As far as Tour de Georgia, It looks like Jani Brajkovic will steal the thunder from Tom Danielson once again (I am referring to the Vuelta from last year). Jani and Gianni Meersman got into a decisive break and put 29 minutes into the peloton. Jani can climb and there is no way Tommy D or anybody (Barring Disaster) can get that back on Brasstown Bald. Chapeau Jani! He has loads of talent and I think in some respects it shows that the Tour de Georgia is maturing. Having a Euro Rider win in Georgia would bring more interest from other Euro Teams and riders and allow the race to grow and bring even more interest to our sport in the U.S. One could argue that having an American win is better but I think long term we need to think about bringing the sport to The United States at the highest level.

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