Thursday, April 19, 2007

Generation Video Game

The news in the last two days has been very disturbing. Totally not surprising, but disturbing just the same. I am not a censorship guy but I have to wonder that a generation that is exposed to soundbites, news of shootings and violence, movies and videogames simulating urban combat, and constant images of the war is taking it's toll on our young people. Look at the pictures of this guy from Virginia Tech. He is dressed like someone out of an action movie. All Matrix-y with the double glock wielding double shoulder holsters. Firing off images to msnbc in between murderous killing sprees. When are we as a society going to get it? When are we going to realize that we have become desensitized to the tragedy? Real violence has human impact. Suffering is real. Loss is real. Getting shot hurts. Wake the hell up parents. Get your kids to throw a ball.... Take them to the park.... Ride your bike with them.... Quit parking them infront of the latest Helo/Warcraft/Doom game while you stare at the computer. We are all guilty of "easy" parenting but come on. It is obvious we have created a generation of Bright yet very detatched kids. Kids that are having trouble engaging the world and being part of it. They live in a world that is not what it seems. Cyber fantasy and reality is blurring for these kids. We have to pull them out of it. Media is just that.... MEDIA. Holy shit. Wheres the tylenol.......


Anonymous said...

There is an answer but no one wants to hear it.

Skibby said...

skibby jr can play halo 24x7 and he still isn't going to go blow away 32 people. Why? because he knows the difference between right and wrong and he knows the difference between reality and make-believe. I don't blame video games, I blame parents...

Erik said...

Skibby jr. is a well adjusted child that says his prayers and takes his vitamins. Some kids have chemical imbalances (as most mental illnesses are atleast partly due to) that limit their ability to distinguish the reality from the haloverse.

Erik said...

On another note skibby I totally agree with you about parental involvement.