Saturday, February 10, 2007

The Scooter Libby Fairness Fund

I ran across an article on today describing the case with Scooter Libby and what is going on. I won't go into most of it because it pisses me off and mostly because I could never do this issue the justice it deserves. What I found interesting in that it pertains to Floyd is that Ol' Scooter boy has his own legal defense fund. Admittedly, I am naive in such areas. Seeing as that Scooter is in a whole bunch of trouble, He probably needs someone else to pay for his defense. I imagine if he rolled over and spilled the beans, many other people would get busted (Ahem, Mr. Cheney sir!). Anyways, The whole point is that Floyd is just as justified as old Scoot Scoot in raising money. Floyd didn't out any undercover agents to gain political revenge either. He just got screwed by that lab. Who do you think the French like less, Dick Cheney or Floyd?


MnMnM said...

Recent clues point to Abbott and Costello as original architects of Plame Leak.
Grand Jury testimony of Scooter Libby, former Chief of Staff of the United States (COSTUS) for the Vice President, leaked by Rove-ing reporter (humor).

It is posted at: Libby Knows who Leaked First

Bobbing and weaving, a tangled web we do. Book him, Danno.
Please keep my identity a secret. Double super Secret.
Middle-aged, Middle-of-the-road, Mid-Westerner

We can only hope that Fitz doesn't fizzle.
I think Mr. Fitzgerald's motto should be: "If you do a white collar crime then you will serve blue collar time." Look where he lodged Judith Miller. A few months in a blue collar jail and she was ready to sing. Unfortunately, she says she forgot the words

The Times & Post They Should Be A-Changin

Bloggers Request:

Come writers and critics
Who prophesize with your pen
And keep your eyes wide
The chance won't come again
And don't speak too soon
For the wheel's still in spin
And there's no tellin' who
That it's namin'.
For the loser now
Will be later to win
For the Times & Post should be a-changin'.

Good Bye Sulzberger, Keller, Miller, and Woodward!

Fitzgerald's response:

Come politician's, journalists
Please heed the call
Don't stand in the doorway
Don't block up the hall
For he that gets hurt
Will be he who has stalled

There's a battle outside
And it is ragin'.
It'll soon shake your windows
And rattle your walls
For the convictions, they are a-comin'.

--Bob Dylan
Perhaps for Rove?

Anonymous said...

Did you ever consider the fact that he is a busy guy operating in a high stress job? Is it possible that his court inaccuracies were said in good faith? Is it possible that his lack of memory is caused by the amount of time that passed and shear amount of work that he does?

Can you remember the specifics of what you said two years ago? Can you even remember a specific conversation? I know it might be hard to believe, but maybe he really isn’t covering for Dick, but really might not remember.

Anonymous said...

I think your idea that he might just not remember if he leaked classified information is plausible. However it is also excuse making and giving him a pass when none should be given. Your logic lets people off far to easily and doesn't require them to be held acountable for their actions. Something this administration has been guilty of far to often....

Anonymous said...

I agree with your accountability statement, but even if he leaked the information, leaking information is not the issue in this trial.

The issue is only the charge that he lied about it. Justice requires an absence of politics, and prejudice for objectivity and fairness. Its too bad that so many are quick to convict him when they don’t know the circumstances, other than from the liberal media, and they have no idea what it really takes to operate in a position at that level.

Anonymous said...

Why does it always come back to the "liberal media". Why are you not outraged that an undercover CIA operative was outed. Why are you not concerned that someones career and possibly life was potentially compromised? Why are you so easily able to make excuses for someone trying to use classified information to gain political advantage. I would argue this trial IS about whether he leaked information or rather was he directed to do so by someone higher up.