Sunday, January 6, 2008

Barack Obama: One Year From Now

This guy gets it.


Anonymous said...

erick, those numbers on neal's blog seem kind of highe don't they?


Erik said...

Yeah, I can't say that the "calories burned" data is accurate but I think the heart rate data is. I would regularly run in the 160-170 range at lifetime on their lifefitness bikes. I think the polar heart rate monitor is more accurate. Otherwise I don't have a lot to base it off of. I felt pretty blown afterwards. It was all out for one half hour. Neil trains regularly with a HR monitor and he would have more data to base it off of. I have trained with it for a total of 6 times since I got it and my average hr for the previous 5 was about 162. This ride was an anomoly. I found myself going all out. My target range on the monitor is 132-150. I wanted to see how long I could sustain the 170's. Needless to say, I won't do it again for awhile.

Anonymous said...

If the democrats vote a black man to represent them its basically giving the republican nominee the office. Maybe that sounds racist but its the truth. Anyone thinks other wise i will give them ten to one on any amount of money they wish to wager.


Erik said...

I was wondering who was quoting NOFX. How you doin' buddy. I think America might be ready for This guy. I agree there is an element of america that will never accept him but that group is much smaller now. Even my Father IN Law likes him and He has been a Republican for as long as I can remember.
Love you to bud. Happy belated B-day!