Thursday, January 31, 2008

The Cyclysm

The new schedule for 2008 is up on the Versus website. It also has a video application with highlights from last season. The link is located in the cool links section to the right.


jorgehuevo said...

yes erick im going to tour of california again, i already have the ticket, and there is a really good deal, and if you want to go you are welcome, mi casa es tucasa, we can stay at my sister, and i'll be so much fun, let me know man, there is still time to plan something, but yes im going


Erik said...

Okay, I ran it by my wife and I am out. Bummer. It would have been fun. I am snowboarding the weekend before. Have fun. If you take pics I will post them like last year!

jorgehuevo said...

yes is a bummer, becuase it can be a very un expensive weekend cycling kind of vacation but not really, but to me it is, jajaja, anyway, the invitation is open in case you or youre wife change youre minds, i already talked to my brotherinlaw and he said then more the merrier, anyway

take care and see you soon or spring for sure

Anonymous said...

Jorge...see you on the road before spring...the roads arent that bad a bit dirty would have to clean your bike.